Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Introducing Lyanna Grace and Keira Jean

So let's start at the beginning! I hope to go back and write some posts reflecting on the experience of being pregnant with twins, and definitely want to record the wild and crazy story of Lyanna and Keira's entrance into the world, but for now I will stick with basics and updates.

Lyanna Grace Duncan was born on Thursday, January 5, 2012 at 6:10p.m. She weighed 6lbs, 3oz.

Keira Jean Duncan was born on Thursday, January 5, 2012 at 6:59p.m. She weighed 4lbs, 15oz.

Both girls are still in the Special Care Nursery as of today, January 11. 2012. Today's news is that they are both in cribs instead of isolettes. Lyanna was taken off her oxygen assistance yesterday morning. I cannot express what a relief that is...and to be able to hold her!! Wow.

I've been working hard to bring in my milk so they don't have to have formula anymore, and the strict, round-the-clock, every-three-hours pumping routine has finally worked! I am now making almost enough milk for both of them, and every time I am able to go visit them we practice at breastfeeding, too. It's not unusual for preemie babies to have trouble breastfeeding in the beginning because some of the necessary coordination may not be there, but the girls are doing great and I'm confident that we'll all get the hang of it!

That's all for now - thanks for checking in!

Oh, and a giggle for the day, courtesy of our own Arya Lou. Tonight, Arya said, "Auntie Em play with Arya; Mommy Daddy go ride in alligator, see babies resting at doctor." That's our amazing girl - such presence of mind and verbal skills for a 21 month old.  Honestly, we knew she was amazing, but she has been such a trooper through all of this. I went into the clinic for an appointment last Wednesday morning and didn't come home until Sunday afternoon. She saw me twice in the hospital for very short visits, and otherwise was with Grandma the entire time. Prior to this, she had never spent even a fifth of that time away from Mommy, and yet she handled it all like a champ.

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