Monday, March 29, 2010


In this age of Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and reality TV, is it really "progress" that we can share so much personal information so quickly? Frankly, I'm not sure. For example, I'm about to let you, my devoted blog readers (disclaimer: most if not all of you are people I know well!) what my cervix has been up to these past few days. Too much information? Perhaps. But it's funny how these things are relative. For example, I had a random discussion with a friendly female stranger while waiting to be seated for breakfast at a local cafe on Saturday. She was a new mom and she asked, "are you dilated?" And so I proceeded to tell her, without hesitation, what I had just learned at my doctor appointment. Because it matters! And it has more to do with the miracle of life than it does secret body parts. And it's interesting. And people want to know.

Want to know?

Here's the news, then. I'm now dilated to about 2cm and "effaced" to about 70% (look it up if you don't know the definition of "effaced"... what do you think I am, a science writer or something?) Also, in the past few days, I have had any where from zero (today) to more than a dozen (yesterday) Braxton-Hicks contractions and the baby has dropped MEASURABLY... once in the middle of last week and even more just this morning. Now, those of you who have had children before probably know that these four facts don't necessarily mean anything at all. But in my mind, they could! They might! It just MAY mean that Sean and I get to meet our little angel very soon. Maybe this week, even! You just never know. I'd call that progress for sure.


  1. Yep - progress for sure. I bet you will deliver this week.

  2. I have no idea what any of this means, but it all sounds cool. :) Congratulations, and I will be waiting for your next set of personal information that may include welcoming little Duncan to the world.
