Friday, November 13, 2009

Getting up to speed

Greetings, all! I finally got around to creating a place where family and friends can come to find out the latest news on Baby Duncan and the rest of our clan.

I'll do my best to post updates and photos as often as possible. Since it took me so darn long to get this going, here's a rundown of our journey thus far...

As many of you know, Sean and I took an amazing motorcycle trip to Northern Idaho and back this summer. This trip helped us put life into perspective, and we returned from the trip in mid-July, excited to put the wheels of starting a family in motion. Typical for us, we figured we could plan the whole thing out. Life, as it turns out, had a more magical plan.

As Grandma Wilma put it so perfectly, "I told you those motorcycles were trouble!" Shortly after our return, I found myself sending text messages to Sean throughout the work day, saying things like "oh my GOSH I'm tired." And, "why is my office spinning...?" Sean kept saying I was pregnant, but I went to the drugstore and bought a test, still dubious.  was so doubtful, in fact, that I took the test while he wasn't home! According to the directions on the package, you're supposed to do your thing and then wait up to five minutes for the results. So I followed the directions and prepared to wait the five agonizing minutes for a result. Not 30 seconds later, BAM - a big, pink line. Pregnant!! WHOA.

Now I was forced to wait until Sean got home.. talk about agonizing! I was so shocked and excited, I just stood by the door with the test in my hand and watched for his car. When he walked in the door, I know I must have been acting funny. So funny, in fact, that the one-armed hug I gave him was an instant giveaway. We had one of those better-than-the-movies exchanges: "no way"... "you did?"... "you are?" ... "no way" ...  "we are?" ... "you sure?" ... "oh my gosh!"

The following few weeks and months were spent in utter disbelief and 1000% excitement. It turns out we had returned home from Idaho having caused more trouble on the trip than we thought we had! Around Week 5,  I remember frantically Googling "Week 5 pregnancy symptoms" because I became so puffed up with bloating that I felt like I was six months pregnant. Turns out that's normal, and it went away in a day anyway. By Week 7, I was in the throes of "evening sickness". Each day starting at five or seven p.m. and lasting until I managed to fall asleep, I'd feel like I had just spent four days in the bottom hold of a small boat that smelled of wet dog and had been tossed around in a hurricane. That persisted until about Week 14, but gradually began to subside around Week 11. Needless to say, that time period is a bit of a blur.

Now here it is, Week 18. Time flies! But I'm feeling fantastic now, and I'm so happy I've finally found the time to create this blog and let y'all in on my journey. Because you all know how terrible I can be at keeping in touch regularly! Thanks for reading!

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